365买球网 管理
Completing a real estate project can be intimidating and resource intensive. 您是否需要一个专门的365买球网经理来管理单个365买球网,或者为多个正在进行的设施工作提供补充支持, KGO在这里. 我们提供资源和专业365买球,以确保做出最佳决策并制定解决方案,以实现您的目标.
我们是计划大师, communicating and managing the 建设 of your workspace smoothly, 预算, 准时, 以最小化的风险-同时确保完成的空间与您的业务目标一致.
每个365买球网都是独一无二的. Each project requires your project manager to understand your vision, 值, 目标要超越“按时、按预算”.”
我们将确保通过一个完全透明的过程将您的愿景变为现实. We not only have the technical expertise, 但沟通和协调技能,以确保您和您的内部团队了解进展和挑战. We seamlessly include your key stakeholders into the entire process.
- Help you plan the most effective project for your needs
- 为你的团队提供见解和信息,让他们了解情况,并在需要时做出艰难的决定
- Communicate progress data regarding cost, 风险, 并使用我们的专有技术以清晰和全面的方式进行安排
- 始终牢记你的愿景,这样完成的产品将是你完美的空间
Enlist a 建设 project manager to save time and money on your build.
我们的365买球网经理有监督华盛顿各行各业高风险建筑365买球网的经验, DC and Baltimore – even nationally and internationally. 在你的团队中增加一名建筑365买球网经理,以保持预算、准时和避免挫折.
• Procurement of Vendors and Consultants
• Tracking of General Contractor Budget and Schedule
• Cost 365买球网ions and Client Reporting
Construction 管理 and 365买球网 Closeout
继续读下去,你会发现商业地产365买球网管理与其他行业的不同之处. 一路走来, 你会发现KGO的华盛顿是怎样的, 基于DC的建设365买球网管理团队可以帮助您实现业务目标,同时节省时间和金钱.
在建筑, project managers aim to deliver your project 准时, on-budget and with minimal setbacks along the way. 他们通过监督365买球网的各个方面(包括人员)来实现这个目标, 材料, 计划和预算. Their support ensures each member of your project team is on task. Plus, they provide crucial oversight for the completion and quality of work.
Our project managers are not just in charge of verifying work is completed, 但同时也要扮演一个关键人物,将365买球网中涉及的各种利益相关者联系起来. 我们清晰和及时的沟通对于让各方了解进展情况至关重要. This includes the company enlisting our support, 施工人员在现场工作, 建筑师等.
最重要的是, 建设 project managers act as a trusted representative to your team, 为您的365买球网导航和监督每个阶段提供专家建议,以实现所有目标.
Phase 1: Scope development, budget development, and vendor procurement.
在这个阶段, 您的365买球网经理将与利益相关者合作,确定您的独特目标. Once we have developed a feasible scope and budget, 您的365买球网经理将为设计和工程服务以及总承包商起草rfp. 此时此刻, you can rely on us for expert guidance as we select architects, 工程师, AV /供应商, 和更多的.
Next, it is time to transform your ideas into an actionable project plan. This includes dividing work into categories, which will inform the 建设 timeline and how work is allocated. 在这个阶段, your project manager will consider potential 风险s, so alternative strategies are available should the need arise. The project manager will also provide quality checks on design documents, and secure the permits necessary to complete the project
当您的365买球网付诸实施时,您的KGO施工365买球网经理将在现场领导. 在那里, 他们监控任务,以最大限度地降低风险,并确保以最高质量完成工作. Through real-time evaluation of the progress and 风险s, they work to ensure your goals are being met throughout the 建设.
Once the build is complete, your project manager will oversee the transition. 在这个过程中, we ensure that everything functions properly, 打孔清单已完成, and your team is prepared to move in and maintain the new space.
从开始到完成, 我们的365买球网经理贯穿于365买球网生命周期的每个阶段,提供指导并确保目标的实现. KGO approaches each project as if it were our own. We become an extension of you, bringing expertise to your side.
How can hiring a project manager save me money on my project?
We save our clients money through our experience in:
- Knowing the right contractors and vendors;
- Creating and maintaining an accurate project budget;
- Procuring and negotiating with the design professionals;
- 在设计阶段推荐节省成本的替代方案(价值工程);
- Evaluating the design to minimize mistakes in the documents;
- Hiring and negotiating with general contractors and vendors;
- 谈判变更订单;
- Monitoring the 建设 to ensure quality;
- Ensuring the work required by others (landlords, developers, etc.)是以他们为代价的.
我们为包括专业设计服务在内的所有365买球网成本制定预算, 建筑许可, 建设, 语音和数据布线, 电话设备, 移动, and furniture along with appropriate project contingencies.
Throughout the project, we update the budget as the costs become refined. 因为我们有丰富的经验, 我们知道哪些承包商和供应商最适合您的365买球网,谁提供最优惠的价格. We also know the customary cost for the various budget items, and we ensure that the charges to our clients are appropriate.
What if I need additional support for an existing project?
有时候,你发现自己在365买球网中需要额外的支持. 如果你的365买球网偏离了轨道, 你需要一个特定领域的专家, 或者你只是需要另一双眼睛, our project managers can join your existing team. 通过增加员工, 您可以利用KGO建设365买球网经理的专业365买球,而无需承诺长期人员配置.
When managing projects that demand an understanding of data centers, 交换机替换, power systems or other specialized knowledge, inexperience can jeopardize their completion. 我们的365买球网经理在各个行业都有经验,可以为您现有的365买球网团队提供重要的专业365买球. 为您的团队补充365买球渊博的365买球网经理可以防止进一步的延迟,并将成本控制在预算之内.
当您现有的人员与您的需求不一致时,365买球网往往会偏离轨道. 共同的挑战包括缺乏:
- 专业365买球
- 合格的供应商
- 总承办商人手
When your project is met with setbacks, fast problem-solving is essential. 人员扩充使您能够快速地用365买球渊博的个人加强您的365买球网团队. Regardless of what challenges your project is facing, our experts will seamlessly adapt to your existing team.
Although your project may only demand short-term resources, our project managers will make a lasting impact. 在我们的帮助下, 您的365买球网团队可以获得所需的支持,使您的365买球网走向完成.
What types of businesses need project management?
任何考虑翻修或新建办公室的公司都可以从建筑365买球网管理中受益. Additionally, the larger your project scope is, the more benefit you can see.
- You have time to focus on your business goals.
- 你的365买球网保持在正轨上,所以没有时间和金钱浪费在不必要的任务上.
- 我们可以预见挑战,并提供有价值的指导和切实可行的解决方案.
We bring considerable experience to your project, allowing you to meet your goals and minimize setbacks. 事实上, 商业地产365买球网管理中最常见的挑战之一是范围蠕变. 365买球网经理保持专注,这样时间和金钱就不会浪费在不支持最终目标的任务上.
当你有严格的截止日期要满足时,实际有效的解决问题是必不可少的. Should any threats arise that jeopardize your goals, 您的建设365买球网经理将确定解决方案并就如何进行提出建议. 然而, they don’t just deal with problems as they appear, they’re also well-equipped to anticipate roadblocks, so solutions can be initialized quickly, 停机时间被最小化.
施工365买球网经理在整个规划阶段和施工过程中提供专业指导. 他们的专业365买球在区分承包商投标或针对出现的挑战制定解决方案时至关重要. The result is not only a considerable savings on time and money, but also a new space that exceeds your expectations.